10. As MVPs are produced, start test marketing them, and feed results back to adjust visions

Once enough capabilities have been proven to comprise a usable solution, the solution can be tried in actual usage, with real users. Ideally one starts with “beta” users who are tolerant of the product’s rough edges and who are willing to provide feedback. Over time, as confidence increases and the product is refined, it is released to the general population of users.

Feedback from real users either validates or invalidates the product concept. If users don’t like the product, then you have a choice:

  • Adjust the vision; or,

  • Cancel the initiative.

However, it is likely that users will like some aspects of the product and not others, so their feedback can be used to adjust the product’s features. That feedback loop is important for improving the product.

Once the product concept has been validated, additional features can be envisioned. The product continues to grow in capabilities, or differentiate into adjacent usages that are important to the user community that one has access to.

(The overall cycle of cadence-free iteration will be described in more depth in our whitepaper, “The Strategy-Execution Cycle”. We will post the link here and on our website when it is complete.)


Step 9 <—